Neglected Holocaust

Remembering the Deportation of the Jews in Prekmurje, Slovenia

Ladislav Hiršl

Ladislav Hiršl

Ladislav was a travelling agent for Zagreb Unior company (today Kraš) and was imprisoned as a Yugoslav army officer by the Germans in 1941 and taken to Germany, where he died of starvation in 1942.

The surviving members of Hiršl family never found out what really happened to Ladislav, but we can look at the fate of Ladislav Blau, his namesake, another Yugoslav army officer, who survived German imprisonment. Mr Blau, an informant of the Shoah Foundation fifty years later told the Croatian interviewer that Jewish officers were separated from the rest five days after the arrest, and later on they were separated again according to their political views. Finally they eliminated those who had criminal record in Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Mr Blau recalls grave scarcity, which was probably fatal for Ladislav Hiršl, and the time when they started getting food packages, and he also recalls the 800 km long march during which the Germans tried to kill by exhaustion or during sleep as many prisoners as possible.